What is eIDAS 2.0
Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services 2.0 represents the evolution of Regulation (EU) no. 910/2014 which regulates electronic identification and trust services for online transactions in the European Union. Currently under negotiation between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, the regulation is expected to enter into force in 2024.
What are the objectives of eIDAS 2.0
The main objective of eIDAS 2.0 is to strengthen trust in digital transactions within the European single market, simplifying and making the use of online services for citizens and businesses safer .
What are the main innovations introduced by eIDAS 2.0
The digital wallet (eWallet) is certainly one of the most interesting innovations of eIDAS 2.0. A system that allows users to securely store and manage their identification and authentication information, the digital wallet can be used to access public and private services online and to sign digital documents.
However, eIDAS 2.0 also includes other security measures to protect users’ personal information.
Member States will have to guarantee a level of security of electronic identification services adequate to the type of transaction being carried out and they will have to< strong>extend mutual recognition of digital trust services to all member states of the European Union. This means that a digital trust service released in one EU country will also be valid in other member countries.
What is the future of eIDAS 2.0 and Digital Europe
eIDAS 2.0 represents a further important step towards the creation of a safer and more inclusive digital Europe in which it is easier and safer for citizens and businesses to use online services and protect their personal information.
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