Reporting of crimes and irregularities

M.A.C Srl, in accordance with the provisions of law 179/2017 “Provisions for the protection of the authors of reports of crimes or irregularities of which they became aware in the context of a public employment relationship or private” and by legislative decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023, adopted the “whistleblowing policy” procedure for the management of reports and the actions envisaged to protect those who report illicit facts and irregularities.

The Whistleblowing system is the tool through which protection is guaranteed to those who report non-compliance in good faith. The objective of the tool is to prevent the occurrence of irregularities within the organization, but also to involve all stakeholders in an activity to combat non-compliance, through active and responsible participation.


Because it is a right and a duty to protect our work, our company, colleagues, customers and collaborators. The objective of adopting this tool is to prevent the creation of non-conformities or irregularities within the organization, but also to involve all stakeholders and the public, in general, in an activity to combat illegality, through active and responsible participation.


Recipients of the Whistleblowing Policy (hereinafter “Recipients” and/or “Reporters”) are:

  • The members of the corporate bodies, the employees of M.A.C Srl;
  • The customers, suppliers, partners, consultants and, more generally, the stakeholders of M.A.C Srl.


Alleged violations, perpetrated by internal staff, collaborators and business partners, relating to the following aspects:

  • Violation of laws and regulations
  • Administrative offences
  • Offences that fall within the scope of application of European Union or national acts
  • Fraud
  • Human rights
  • Violation of the Code of Ethics
  • Violation of the Organization and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
  • Other violations

Since there is no exhaustive list of crimes or irregularities that can be reported, reports relating to behaviour, crimes or irregularities to the detriment of M.A.C Srl are also considered relevant.


If you are a M.A.C Srl customer and want to report problems of another nature (commercial, technical, etc.), DO NOT use this form, but consult one of the channels listed in contact section.


M.A.C Srl undertakes to protect those who have made a report in good faith from possible intimidation and retaliation. The report is handled confidentially and the identity of the reporter, when declared by him, is not revealed without his consent. A well-made, detailed and detailed report can be managed without further involvement of the reporter. In any case, the information will be treated according to confidentiality criteria.


During the internal verification process of the report, every right of the reported person will be guaranteed and in no case will a proceeding be initiated in the absence of concrete evidence regarding the content of the report itself.


The task of managing reports is entrusted to the Supervisory Body of M.A.C Srl. In order to facilitate reports, specific communication channels have been established:

“Reports” platform

The platform is managed by a third party independent of M.A.C Srl. The digital platform uses an encryption protocol which guarantees the protection of the data identifying the identity of the reporter who can still communicate with the body provided by M.A.C Srl in an anonymous and depersonalized manner through a unique code obtained following the sending of a report. I have read and understood the Privacy Policy and accept*

Go to the platform

*All personal data, where communicated, will be processed in accordance with the current Privacy Policy, in full respect of fundamental rights and freedoms, with particular regard to the confidentiality of identity of the subjects involved and for the security of the processing. No personal data should be sent that is not strictly relevant to the report. It is important to read and understand the contents of the “Privacy Policy” before sending the report.