It will be MAC, with the b-unit MAC Training, to prepare the internal staff of the municipalities, places where the training courses will be held. The project involves teachers from all over the country.
We are talking about 300 thousand citizens distributed in 199 municipalities authorized to issue the new document and who will be added to the institutions already in possession of the IT platform, up to cover 100% of the national territory in a very short time, including the islands.
Training, in a strategic project for our country, is the backbone to guarantee users a functioning service and to avoid any kind of inconvenience.
At the service of citizens, thanks to the investment in training, there will be employees ready to respond to the questions and needs of applicants.
The CIE will present a new technology and will offer the citizen, in addition to the traditional use of identification, also access to some services provided by public administrations, through the Public Digital Identity System (SPID).
One of the novelties of the new Electronic Identity Card, which definitively overcomes the difficulties of the first prototypes, is also the material used: it is polycarbonate. It does not flake and does not demagnetize. The new CIE will have the chip, it cannot be cloned and will contain the holder’s fingerprint.
The Ministry of Public Administration with the CIE project has the ambition to give our country modernity and efficiency. M.A.C Solution, together with the b-unit M.A.C Formazione, is ready to offer professionalism and skills to make our country safer, faster and more advanced.
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