The sector that today and probably for the next 15 years will remain crucial within any type of business is information technology , understood as a global tool enabling the creation of any type of business.
Our President Gianluca Rotondi and Marco Guerriero , Director of Delivery, spoke about it at the meeting with the students of Elis in Rome.
They were presented with our company, the Data Center infrastructure, the many innovative solutions, but, above all, answered their many questions.
There is a strong awareness that companies must make allies of people, get to know them and empathize with them. It is inherent in young people to be idealistic and to see the impossible as possible. Listening to them is the hardest part, but the challenge is to do things with them, to drive this passion through our experiences.
Students must be trained to change the reality that surrounds them for the better, they must be able to experience the enthusiasm and gratification that derive from the realization of an aspiration, which in many cases they still do not cultivate because it has not yet been discovered; and so to trigger this process of discovery, or confirmation, we must offer them models in which they can reflect themselves, in which they can recognize unexpressed talents and possible paths.
Dealing with the youngest is always stimulating, even more when it comes to passionate, curious, critical and aware young professionals.
A unique opportunity for members of the Professional school, which respects one of the most important guidelines for MAC: helping young people build a life project, transferring not only technical skills, but also and above all positive values.
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