Hospital 4.0 everything you can monitor about patient health with Smart Lab by M.A.C
Just like the industry, the hospital of the future also changes its face and changes its obsolete and old appearance by adapting to new needs. This is thanks to technologies and the use of new devices to support the normal activities of healthcare personnel. Smart Lab was created for this very purpose and fits fully within the activities connected to hospital 4.0 as a technological tool aimed at supporting doctors in patient care through real-time monitoring of vital parameters 24 hours a day
But what is Smart Lab and how to use this service? Find out all the main information by reading the article
What is SMART LAB?
More and more healthcare organizations are using connected tools within their facilities thanks to IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, with particular attention to patient monitoring.
With this in mind, M.A.C has always been at the service of Healthcare and makes available to the public and private sector all the professionalism and technology at its disposal to improve their performances.
Precisely for this reason, Smart Lab, a service created by MAC in 2016 as a monitoring tool of patients with Alzheimer’s, senile dementia or people housed in nursing homes, came to life.
Smart Lab therefore offers healthcare facilities:
- a 24-hour patient monitoring service,
- a collection of data, where these are accessible according to the criteria of respect for privacy.
How is monitoring done with Smart Lab?
Monitoring with Smart Lab takes place through specific devices, in particular with a smartwatch, with which it is possible to collect, in real time, information relating to the state of health of patients.
The electromedical data obtained is then transferred to a dashboard that can be customized according to the type of end user and can be consulted by the facility’s doctors and healthcare professionals. But also by the patients themselves and their relatives through a special App.
And this is precisely one of Smart Lab’s strengths. In this way, for the first time, a cutting-edge patient data monitoring, aggregation and analysis service is offered that can be used by anyone who needs it, thanks to the ‘Dedicated app.
The innovation therefore lies in the double check:
- medical checkup
- parental control.
This allows for immediate intervention, should it prove necessary. The sensors monitor the vital parameters of the person’s health status such as:
- heartbeats,
- body temperature,
- breathing,
- ability to detect falls and send alerts proactively,
- any other parameter deemed necessary to monitor.
Therefore, in the event of reporting any anomalies, the personnel in charge of monitoring or the patient’s parents can promptly intervene and thus help the patient in difficulty.
Another important aspect of Smart Lab is to provide, in real time, exact information on the patient’s position within the facility. Thanks to geofencing it is possible to verify the presence of the patient within the limits of a circumscribed perimeter, using wifi and Bluetooth beacons indoors, and GPS outdoors.
In this way, if the patient is located in a position outside the established one, he can be easily reached and helped. This function is very useful precisely for patients with Alzheimer’s who, due to their pathology, can easily forget the simplest and most common actions.
Smart Lab therefore allows you to trace a complete picture of the patient’s routine, useful for activating or not alert systems or critical issues to be managed, when the frames obtained in real time communicate to the facility and relatives anomalous behaviors.
Who can use Smart Lab?
Smart Lab can be used by anyone who deems it necessary, as well as for all companies operating in the healthcare sector. In order for it to be requested, it is only necessary to supply monitoring devices for roofing in open spaces, and to adapt the wifi and sensor systems for monitoring patients indoors.
Therefore, the tracking service can be requested by:
- health facilities,
- RSA,
- general practitioners,
- any other structure that has the basic requirements to apply this model (hospices, public and private environments with children, etc.),
Furthermore, Smart Lab allows all the structures that use the service to aggregate with other similar realities through a specially developed infrastructure. This makes it possible to create an internal network dedicated to the exchange of information without investing in hardware or software solutions that are demanding in terms of cost and maintenance and at the same time guaranteeing maximum security for all sensitive data and shared information. All the data obtained are collected in a data center where, if possible, information also comes from other electro-medical equipment connected to the monitored patient, as well as from other healthcare facilities.
The goal is to allow the healthcare company:
- a reduction in IT infrastructure management costs
- a reduction in personnel numbers and costs,
- optimization of services to customers and partners.
Therefore, Smart Lab allows patient monitoring with a single device by healthcare personnel and relatives who request the right to do so, and the collection of sensitive data useful for patient care.
Again with Smart Lab it is possible to access Cloud and remote resources, including:
- cup,
- management software,
- administrative data,
- telephone switchboard with management of queues between the various offices, etc.
This takes place with the supported Help Desk active 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and, subject to coverage, by a dedicated and guaranteed Internet connection M.A.C.
It should be underlined that Smart Lab does not replace, in any way, a medical examination or thick electro-medical equipment. Smart Lab is exclusively a monitoring tool to support the doctor or healthcare facility.
SMART LAB: the M.A.C solution against COVID 19
In this particular historical period, in which people have the greatest need to check their health in the shortest possible time, Smart Lab is a valid support tool available to doctors and healthcare facilities.
In fact, thanks to 24-hour monitoring and the geofencing function, Smart Lab allows you to quickly and effectively control and support the activities of healthcare personnel.
For this reason many Municipalities have already requested Smart Lab. Indeed, to counter the covid-19 emergency many mayors have decided to provide their fellow citizens who have tested positive for covid-19 and undergoing quarantine, the digital device to constant monitoring of your health. In this way, it is possible to map in real time the health of every single person who is in difficulty and at the same time avoid new infections. With Smart Lab, in fact, it is possible to check not only the citizen’s state of health but also the person’s position, in real time, 24 hours a day thanks to geofencing. In this way, there is not only a better health intervention service but also the possibility of new infections is reduced. The data collected by the application are, in fact, sent to the general practitioner who, together with the authorities in charge, resolve the emergency situation as soon as possible.
Finally, Smart Lab is also provided to asymptomatic people for better monitoring of their health until they are completely healed.
Therefore, Smart Lab turns out to be a valid monitoring tool not only for patients with health problems or hospitalized in treatment centres, but in support of every citizen, both in health emergency situations and in any other activity that requires 24-hour monitoring.
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