In the last few hours, dozens of Italian servers and thousands around the world have been inaccessible due to a global hacker attack.
We explored the topic with Bruno Ausiello, Head of Cybersecurity.
“Hackers have targeted a particular type of VMware ESXi server, this is a ransomware attack, which exploits known vulnerabilities and for which a patch is already available.
These vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a remote host, compromising the system and leading to data theft and other malicious activity. In some cases, the attacker can even gain complete control of the affected system, significantly impacting the security and stability of the affected systems.
Once again, it is evident that, in the face of consolidated good practices, the availability of time and solutions to reduce serious vulnerabilities, for many companies the attention to data and service security is still too much, too low.
The question remains only one: it is important to reflect on the importance of computer security, because it is the only tool to defend ourselves from attacks by cybercriminals, by adopting the necessary measures to protect systems and data, every company can help ensure the security and protection of entire organization.
Palazzo Chigi makes it known that despite the seriousness of the incident, in Italy no primary institution or company operating in sectors critical to national security has been affected.”
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