Designed for Alzheimer’s patients, it is useful in Phase 2 of the emergency. 500 subjects in Campania to test the device that provides real-time data from a medical record: saturation, heart rate, pressure, temperature and geolocation
Rome, April 22, 2020 . A mini wrist hospital . An “electronic bracelet” that does not limit freedom but can be an important medical tool .
A simple watch which is actually a sophisticated biometric device capable of detecting data useful for defining an updated medical record : heart rate, body temperature, saturation, pressure, precise geographical position.
All in real time and in connection with doctors, ASL, Civil Protection thanks to a simple App.
A tool designed for monitoring the elderly in nursing homes and nursing homes, which is now of great use for “phase 2” of the Coronavirus emergency.
Developed by a software house in Avellino, currently being tested on 500 samples in the Campania region , it is called SmartLAB and is a candidate to be one of the technological tools that will accompany the new daily habits of Italians.
“We have been using it since 2016 – explains the creator Gianluca Rotondi – to be alongside the RSA in the active acquisition of the vital parameters of Alzheimer’s patients, people suffering from senile dementia or other pathologies for which control of the state of health, as well as the position within a limited geographical area, called the safety zone. This application has worked very well over the years and is now a candidate to be an important aid for monitoring the state of health of Italians in real time”.
The bracelet works through a specific device, the SmartLAB watch , an advanced and connected version of a biometric bracelet.
Worn by the patient, the device, thanks to a sophisticated system of sensors in contact with the skin , is able to detect data useful for defining a medical record updated in real time: heart rate, body temperature, saturation, pressure, geographical position .
When used on patients with Alzheimer’s, the device also monitors accidental falls (sudden variations in motor activity), a frequent problem connected to the pathology and age of the person being monitored.
The electromedical data obtained is transferred to a dashboard, a control panel, customized according to the type of end user: doctors and health professionals who are in charge of the patient, but also the patients themselves and their relatives.
Data control is possible via the web platform or with a dedicated App (IOS and Android). Both modes allow you to receive alerts in real time.
This monitoring system could be a substantial form of help to those involved in the planning and management of “phase 2” of the Covid emergency , when aspects such as the certainty of medical data and the timeliness of their processing are the basis of strategic decisions to be employed at all levels, from the central government to the Civil Protection, passing through the Regions and ASL.
With the bracelet, in fact, it would be possible to monitor in real time, in specific geographical areas, any anomalous data, individual or referring to groups of people, such as for example the onset of fever or abnormal levels of oxygen saturation in the blood.
The SmartLAB model, according to the technical description released by the software house, does not work exclusively under internet coverage and only through the direct sending of data from the SmartLAB watch to the control panel.
In fact, the data collected by the bracelet can also be read and entered manually by the referring doctor who will use his dashboard to make them available as a database for the local health authorities and civil protection.
SmartLAB is currently being tested on 500 units distributed to citizens of the Campania region.
The currently running pilot phase also addresses privacy and data protection issues through data protection and data processing assurance activities.
Furthermore, the character of voluntariness is preserved, a cardinal principle at the basis of adherence to the type of monitoring by free citizens.
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